Resort Village of
Big Shell
Watershed Planning
We are undertaking a watershed planning activity for Big Shell Lake.
A draft report entitled the Big Shell Lake Stewardship Plan was produced and a general meeting held November 1, 2015 presented highlights of the plan. Click here to view or download a copy of the draft plan.
This plan is the result of ongoing discussions with the larger community of those on and around the lake. Following general introductory meetings in May, a smaller Working Group spent several months doing an assessment of issues, risks and concerns that are addressed in the plan along with recommendations and actions.We really would appreciate your feedback, ideas and support. Let us know if you'd like to be included in our email contact list so we can stay in touch about what's going on as well as upcoming meetings or events. If you have any feedback you can go the Contacts page and fill out the comments form. Thanks.
Click here to read a summary of the responses to the 2013 questionnaire.
Thanks again to all those who participated in the survey. We sincerely appreciate your thoughtful inputs and suggestions. They will be used by council to help in planning for the future.
Remember that we welcome your ideas, comments and suggestions at any time. To submit your comments, please go to the Contacts page.