Emergency: 911

HealthLine: 811

RCMP (Spiritwood): 306-883-4210

Poison Control Centre: 1-866-454-1212

Parklands Integrated Health Centre, Shellbrook: 1-306-747-2603

Saskatchewan Environment: 1-800-567-4224

  Jim Wilkie: 306-841-7879 nimnim@sasktel.net

  Dallas Derksen

  Murray Dagenais: mdagenais45@gmail.com
  John Woytowich: 290-8538

  Jeff Sheppard: 270-8275


  Tara Bueckert: 427-2188 villagebigshell@gmail.com
  Box 130
  Shell Lake SK S0J 2G0

Building Inspector
  Chris Gates
  BuildTECH Consulting and Inspections Inc.
  Box 1612
  Martensville SK S0K 2T0  
  Phone: 1-306-229-6916
  Email: chris@buildtechinspections.ca
  Web Site: www.buildtechinspections.ca​


Resort Village of

Big Shell

Website Contact

You can contact Tara Bueckert at villagebigshell@gmail.com or (306) 427-2188 to send your comments, ideas, suggestions or website content.  Please include your phone number and/or email address if you would like a response.